MLD Investment Advisory, Inc.
"Professional Money Management for Discerning Investors" 

MLD Investment Advisory, Inc. is an independent Registered Investment Advisory firm based in Henderson, Nevada. Founded in 1995, MLD Investment Advisory specializes in professionally managed investment portfolios. We are NOT Financial Planners, CPAs, Attorneys, or Estate Planners. We specialize in finding investments, strategies, and specialty managers with one goal - to produce competitive investment returns commensurate with the risk accepted. We consider ourselves global, multi-asset, multi-strategy advisors. We want our clients to sleep well at night knowing they have quality portfolios that are constantly being monitored to both protect against risk while earning competitive returns. 

MLD Investment Advisory works exclusively with independent, third-party firms so our clients can be comfortable that their assets are on deposit with secure custodians and are being managed by top money managers. We currently have working agreements with Schwab Institutional and Morningstar® Advisor Services. Portfolios are constructed with different asset allocation mixes that are appropriate for the client's age, risk profile, income needs, and tax situation.

All accounts are managed on a fee basis so as to eliminate any conflicts of interest. The management fees are based on the size of the account and all fees are fully disclosed before an account is opened. Clients receive detailed quarterly performance reports showing all activity, assets held, and performance net of fees for the current quarter, year-to-date, and since inception.

To find out more about our Investment Solutions, with no obligation, and affirm that you are a resident of the State of Nevada, please fill out the form below.

Managed Mutual Fund Accounts
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